Working Group on Local Community

Official Members

representative from Home and Youth Affairs Bureau
representative from Home Affairs Department
representative from Information Services Department

Non-official Members

Miss Debbie CHEUNG Sui-ki
Mr Stanley CHOI Tak-shing, JP
Mr LEE Luen-fai, BBS, JP
Mr Rex MOK Chung-fai, BBS, MH, JP
Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, MH, JP
Mr Eric YEUNG Chuen-sing, JP

Terms of Reference

  1. To review the strategies for promotion of the Constitution, the Basic Law, the National Security Law and related matters, for the local community from time to time according to prevailing circumstances, and report any necessary changes to the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee (CBLPSC) for endorsement.
  2. To draw up action plans for relevant promotional work among the local community in accordance with the agreed strategies.
  3. To monitor, evaluate and review activities for relevant promotional work among the local community and report progress to the CBLPSC on a regular basis.
  4. To assist in monitoring and evaluating the activities for relevant promotional work sponsored by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education.
  5. To foster co-operation and exchange of experience with community organizations, where appropriate.
